Adverbs of frequency and time

How to use Adverbs of frequency and time


1. Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, they tell us how often something happens

  • – I always have cereals for breakfast.
    – She has never been to Paris.
    – The children would often play football together.

2. but after the verb to be

  • – He’s usually late to school
    – Mary was often the first to finish her work

! sometimes/ usually/ normally can go at the beginning of the sentence too.

  • Usually, my father works at night.

Adverbs of time usually go at the end of a sentence or a clause, they tell us “when”

  • – They’ll start work soon.
    – Duncan finishes his deliveries early
    – It snowed all night
    – My car was repaired last week and then he had an accident.

Introduction to use of Adverbs

Adverbs of manner

Exercise to practise word order with adverbs

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