How to use “get” in English (1)
GET is one of the most commonly used verbs in the English language.
In many cases, especially informal ones, get can be used to substitute many other verbs.
Here are some examples of how get is used in the English language:
1. get + noun /pronoun can mean: buy, obtain, receive, catch, bring, fetch
- a. I got a new camera from Amazon
b. John got a letter from the bank
c. I don’t walk to school, I get a bus
d. If you go to the travel agent’s, could you get me a brochure for holidays in Australia, please?
2. get + to + a place means: arrive at, arrive in
- a. We’ll get to London at midday
3. get + adjective or comparative adjective in the sense of become, indicates a change over time. (compare with be + adjective)
- a. It gets dark early in December (compare: It is dark)
b. Maria is getting better at English (compare: She is good at English)
4. get + object + past participle for informal version of have something done
- a. I’m going to get my computer repaired tomorrow
b. I need to get my driving license renewed
why don’t you try our English exercise using GET?
Look at this article to compare “get used to” and “be used to”
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