English language – LearnEnglishLanguageWell https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com |Communicating in English| learn English well| speak and write English| grammar practice| English videos| Thu, 18 May 2017 14:49:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.5 Anglès de 1r de Batxillerat a Valls – 2017-18 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2016/angles-de-1r-de-batxillerat-a-valls-curs-destiu-2012/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2016/angles-de-1r-de-batxillerat-a-valls-curs-destiu-2012/#comments Sat, 30 Apr 2016 23:03:49 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=1708 L’anglès de Batxillerat aquest curs a Valls

L’anglès de 1r Batxillerat és molt més difícil que l’anglès de 4t de ESO

La gran majoria dels estudiants que comencarà 1r de Batxillerat aquest setembre de 2017 NO tindràn suficient nivell per aprovar l’anglès del batxillerat.

the article in English HERE

Classes d’anglès amb Languagewell a Valls

Si tu, o el teu fill/a vol que aprovi l’anglès de 1r de Batxillerat s’ha de posar les piles, si no tindrà molts més problemes amb l’anglès de 2n de Batxillerat. 

Languagewell amb Ian Coldwell té més de 28 anys d’experiència preparant estudiants per a l’anglès de batxillerat i per a l’universitat.

La nostre experiència demostra clarament que els estudiants que fan un curs intensiu durant l’estiu abans de començar Batxillerat estan molt més ben preparats.


Ja s’ha acabat el curs. El teu fill està preparat?

– Farem classes dilluns, dimarts i dijous una hora i mitja cada dia

– repassarem tots les formes de verbs

– donarem tècniques per aprendre vocabulari

– Farem “listenings” i presentacions en anglès


Tenim excellents resultats – 100% aprovats


Per a més informació de les classes d’anglès

tel: 696 989 266


English classes in Valls with Languagewell

https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2016/angles-de-1r-de-batxillerat-a-valls-curs-destiu-2012/feed/ 1
Prepara’t per l’anglès de Batxillerat a Valls https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2016/preparat-per-langles-de-batxillerat-a-valls/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2016/preparat-per-langles-de-batxillerat-a-valls/#comments Fri, 15 Apr 2016 07:23:15 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=1612 Prepara’t per l’anglès de Batxillerat aquest estiu a Valls

L’anglès de 1r Batxillerat és molt més difícil que l’anglès de 4t de ESO

the article in English HERE

Classes d’anglès amb Languagewell a Valls

Si tu, o el teu fill/a passa l’anglès de 4t d’ESO amb un 7,5 o menys segur que tindrà molts problemes amb l’anglès de 1r i 2n de Batxillerat. 

Languagewell, amb Ian Coldwell, té més de 28 anys d’experiència preparant estudiants per a l’anglès de batxillerat i per a l’universitat.

La nostre experiència demostra clarament que els estudiants que fan un curs intensiu durant l’estiu abans de començar Batxillerat estan molt més ben preparats.

Farem classes aquest estiu entre els mesos de juliol i principis de setembre 2016 per preparar els estudiants per l’anglès de Batxillerat a la zona de Valls.


Matricula 2016-17 oberta

Per a més informació

tel: 696 989 266


English classes in Valls with Languagewell

https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2016/preparat-per-langles-de-batxillerat-a-valls/feed/ 6
Finishing ESO 4 – prepare English for Batxillerat in Valls, summer 2016 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2016/finishing-eso-4-prepare-english-for-batxillerat-a-valls-summer-2015/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2016/finishing-eso-4-prepare-english-for-batxillerat-a-valls-summer-2015/#comments Wed, 13 Apr 2016 04:00:25 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=1604 Prepare for English in Batxillerat this summer in Valls

English in 1r Batxillerat is much more difficult than the English in ESO 4 in Spain.

l’article en CATALÀ

If you or you son or daughter has passed English in ESO 4 with a lower mark than 7 then you will almost definitely have serious problems with English in Batxillerat.

Languagewell, with Ian Coldwell, has more than 26 years of experience preparing students for real English in the last years of secondary school, for university and especially for studying and working abroad.

Our experience demonstrates very clearly that an intensive course in the summer before doing Batxillerat is essential.

We will be doing classes this summer in July 2016 to prepare students for English in Batxillerat in the Valls area.


For more information:

Psg de l’Estació 40

tel: 696 989 266


English classes in Valls with Languagewell





https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2016/finishing-eso-4-prepare-english-for-batxillerat-a-valls-summer-2015/feed/ 4
Ask your grammar questions https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2015/ask-your-grammar-questions/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2015/ask-your-grammar-questions/#comments Sun, 18 Oct 2015 18:23:13 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=3339 We answer your GRAMMAR questions


Do you have grammar questions for the English language that you want us to help you with?

  • – verb forms
  • – difference between different verb forms
  • – etc etc

This is the place to ask.

This free online service will answer all your grammar doubts.

But don’t expect us to do your homework  😉

Allow up to 24 hours for the LanguageWell team to give you feedback (Monday to Friday and some weekends)

Basics of good English Language learning ….

Teachers and native speakers!

We will be very happy for you to offer help for our readers.

We require a valid e-mail address and will accept links to relevant websites after it goes to moderation.

Also check your doubts here

Try our English GRAMMAR exercises here >>>>

https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2015/ask-your-grammar-questions/feed/ 16
Subject of verb, 1st, 2nd,3rd https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2015/subject-of-verb-1st-2nd3rd/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2015/subject-of-verb-1st-2nd3rd/#comments Tue, 28 Apr 2015 10:23:45 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=3974 First, second and third person singular as subjects of verbs

What do we mean by first (1st) person, second (2nd) person, third (3rd) person of a verb?

– they refer to the subject of the verb. The person or thing that does the action:

James lives in New York; here “James” is the subject of the verb “lives”

My green trousers look good; here “my green trousers” are the subject of the verb “look”

Why are they necessary?

They are used, along with tense (time), to help us understand which form of a verb is required.

In the English language this is only relevant

– with the verb to be in the present and the past.

– with other verbs in the present.

In other languages they could be considered to be more important

1st person singular “I” this refers to “me”:

Examples: I am a teacher; I come from England; I live in a small town; I like reading; I went to school in England

2nd person singular (you) this refers to “you” the person I am talking to or writing to:

Examples: Do you like apples?; You are reading this; You wrote a comment on my web

3rd (third) person singular (she, he, it, John, Mary, my mother etc) This refers to another person or thing that is not “me” or “you”

Examples: David lives in London; He works in a bank; Maria studies Italian; She likes Italian food. My mother is a retired teacher. That dog can run very fast. The big, brown table looks good next to the window.

1st person plural “we” this refers to “us”, me and at least 1 other person:

2nd person plural (you) this refers to “you” the people (2 or more) that I am talking to or writing to:

3rd (third) person plural (they,  John and Mary, Fred’s children, the football team etc) This refers to other people or things that are not “us” or “you”

If want to do some more English grammar lessons, this is the place to go

1st, 2nd, 3rd person PLURAL first, second, third


https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2015/subject-of-verb-1st-2nd3rd/feed/ 4
How to use ADVERBS https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2015/how-to-use-adverbs1/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2015/how-to-use-adverbs1/#comments Tue, 21 Apr 2015 05:37:27 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=3952 How to use adverbs and adverbial phrases

Function of adverbs/ adverbial phrases

Function of adverbs
1. Adverbs can describe an action:

  • – He drives aggressively

This tells us HOW an action is done. These are Adverbs of manner.

There are also these types:

· Adverbs of manner
· Adverbs of frequency
· Adverbs of time
· Adverbs of degree
· Comment adverbs

2. Adverbs can modify adjectives:

  • That car is extremely expensive

Or other adverbs:

  • He runs very fast

3. It can be an adverb of one word:

  • – often, sometimes, quickly

We often visit our parents at the weekend.

or an adverbial phrase :

  • all day tomorrow, a bit

The students are going to be doing exams all day tomorrow.


· Adverbs of manner
· Adverbs of frequency
· Adverbs of time
· Adverbs of degree
· Comment adverbs

Exercise to practise word order with adverbs

We have more grammar lessons in the index

https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2015/how-to-use-adverbs1/feed/ 5
present simple +s answers https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/present-simple-s-answers/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/present-simple-s-answers/#comments Sun, 19 Oct 2014 18:51:31 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=3628 “s”, “es” or “ies” Third person singular

See instructions for use of “s” “es” and “ies” in Present Simple

Did you put all these verbs in the right place in the table?

spy, rush, get, play, tax, employ, sew, follow, fight, boil, deny, meet, look, reach, display, pass, fry, echo, teach, ask, touch, kiss, send, buy, fax, hiss

Check the table for the answers:
Spelling of third person singular forms in Present Simple Tense
Most verbs: Add “s” to infinitiveWork -> worksKnow -> knows
Sit -> sitsGet -> gets
See -> seesLive -> lives
Sew -> sewsFollow -> follows
Boil -> boilsFight -> fights
Meet -> meetsLook -> looks
Send -> sendsAsk -> asks
verbs finishing with one vowel + "y": add "s" to infinitiveStay -> staysEmploy -> employs
Play -> playsDisplay -> displays
Buy -> buys
*Verbs ending with consonant and “y”: change "y" for "ies"Cry -> criesHurry -> hurries
Fly -> fliesImply -> implies
Try -> triesDeny -> denies
Fry -> friesStudy -> studies
Spy -> spiesWorry -> worries
Verbs ending in sibilant sounds –s, -z, -ch, -sh, or –x: add "es"Fix -> fixesPush -> pushes
Tax -> taxesRush -> rushes
Buzz -> buzzesFinish -> finishes
Fax -> faxesConfess -> confesses
Hiss -> hissesReach -> reaches
Kiss -> kisses Teach -> teaches
Pass -> passesTouch -> touches
Verbs ending with one “o” add “es”Go -> goesDo -> does
Echo -> echoesVeto -> vetoes
Verb “to have”Have -> has


Read the comments below to see:

  • why we add es, s, ies  in the third person singular of the Present simple

  • what is a “third person”

    where we put adverbs of time/frequency

    How to use ADVERBS

https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/present-simple-s-answers/feed/ 16
“used to + infinitive” for past habits https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/used-to-infinitive-for-past-habits/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/used-to-infinitive-for-past-habits/#comments Fri, 25 Jul 2014 22:23:20 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=576 Used to + infinitive

Go to grammar EXERCISE for used to + infinitive here


Used to is a form of English Grammar that we use to talk about an habitual action in the past that we don’t do now. The structure uses the past of the verb “to use”so questions and negatives are formed using “did”


  • 1-I used to live in London (now I don’t live in London)
  • 2-John used to play rugby every weekend (now he doesn’t play because he has serious knee problems)
  • 3-Mary didn’t use to speak French (but now she speaks French very well because she has lived in Toulouse for 5 years)
  • 4-Did you use to have a lot of homework when you went to Primary school?

The form of this construction is very simple

Affirmative: subject + used to+ verb in the infinitive … see example (1and 2) above

Negative: subject + didn’t +use to+ verb in the infinitive … see example (3) above

Question: did+ subject + use to + verb in the infinitive … see example (4) above

Compare with other uses of “use” in the English language:

use be used to and gerund correctly

Difference between use, used to, be used to

Go to English grammar lessons

https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/used-to-infinitive-for-past-habits/feed/ 1
Is English a habit in your life? https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/english-a-habit-in-your-life/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/english-a-habit-in-your-life/#comments Mon, 28 Apr 2014 03:30:01 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=1701 Make English language learning  a regular habit in your life

Your brain works well with regular habits and with challenges

Your brain needs stimulation – language learning is a fantastic challenge to your brain

Make English a habit by regularly doing

  • reading
  • listening
  • speaking and writing


Your brain is the best tool for learning a new language

But you brain needs to be convinced that you really want to learn English (or any other language)

The ONLY way that you can effectively improve your language learning is by:

  • creating a habit of daily contact with the English language

It is essential that your language learning is regular and long lasting. That is only possible if it becomes a “habit”


It can only become a habit when you have done it every day for a minimum of 30 days, 60 is better.

I don’t have enough time!

– Decide what is more important – remember that if you don’t do it, you won’t speak better English

Remember that you learnt your own native language by regular hearing and listening when you were a baby

Why 30 days?

You have to convince your brain that you really want to change what you normally do.


Put an English language habit in your life >>

Use the Rule of 5 to activate your English language

Check out our video lessons >>>

https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/english-a-habit-in-your-life/feed/ 5
Using the Past Perfect https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/using-the-past-perfect/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2014/using-the-past-perfect/#comments Sat, 26 Apr 2014 17:27:53 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=3371  How we use the Past Perfect

The Past Perfect tells us about something that happened before another time in the past

     When I arrived at the cinema the film had already started

There are two events, here in chronological order:

     The film started (at 8.00 pm)

     I arrived at the cinema (at 8.10 pm)

If we focus our attention on: I arrived at the cinema this will mean that The film started is an action or event anterior to that

Another example would be:

     John first met Lucy at a conference in 1998

     John saw her again at Heathrow airport in London last August

If we focus our attention on last August we would get the following sentence:

     When John saw the tall, elegant woman at Heathrow airport last August, he remembered that he had met her some years before.

Basics of good language learning ….

Past perfect or Past Continuous -Grammar Exercise

See more English grammar lessons >>>>

Ask us your English Grammar questions and doubts >>>>

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