LearnEnglishLanguageWell https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com |Communicating in English| learn English well| speak and write English| grammar practice| English videos| Thu, 21 Mar 2019 06:41:33 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.3 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/cropped-logo-languagewell-without-border-32x32.jpg LearnEnglishLanguageWell https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com 32 32 When do we add ‘s’, ‘es’ and ‘ies’? reader’s question https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/when-do-we-add-s-es-and-ies-readers-question/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/when-do-we-add-s-es-and-ies-readers-question/#comments Sat, 18 Nov 2017 21:57:55 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=4431 Reader’s question

Add ‘s’ – exceptions?

Kay sent us this comment and question on our article about adding ‘s’, ‘es, and ‘ies’ in the third person singular of the present simple:

Verbs with “s”, “es” and “ies” in Present Simple

Thanks for your kind gesture! Please (1) are there words that (2) don’t have s in third person and (3 and 4) are there verbs that don’t need s in future tenses ? Thanks once more.

This is the answer we gave her:

Thanks for your comment and questions Kay.
You will see that I have numbered your questions:

  1. I suppose that you mean verbs and not words. All verbs that have an infinitive with “to” (to have, to go, to like, to study etc) need to add an ‘s’ form in the third person singular affirmative. In negatives and questions we add an ‘s’ to the verb ‘do’ which is used as an auxiliary:
    – Does John live in London?
    – Mary doesn’t study at university
  2. Other auxiliary (modals) that don’t have an infinitive with “to” do NOT add an ‘s’:
    – My dog can swim
    – Patricia would like to visit Amsterdam
    – James should train harder if he wants to run faster
  3. We ONLY add an ‘s’ to verb forms in the future when we use present tenses (simple, continuous, perfect) to indicate the idea of “future”:
    – My mother is coming to visit us in December.
    – Max works night shift next week.
    – When Dad has arrived, we’ll start to eat
  4. If we use modal verbs like ‘will’,’must’ etc for the future we do NOT use an ‘s’:
    – I think that my teacher will be in a meeting at 10.00
    – Your dog must be on a lead in the children’s festival tomorrow

I hope that answers your question.

If you have any grammar questions, use this page:

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English lessons on Video – Index https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/english-lessons-on-video/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/english-lessons-on-video/#comments Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:52:18 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=2170 Learn English well with “English Videos for You”

Here’s a list of Videos that we have produced for you


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Grammar Exercise Index https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/grammar-exercise-index/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/grammar-exercise-index/#comments Tue, 14 Nov 2017 08:34:12 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=2139 Free Exercises for English Language and grammar

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Our experts will help you

Phrasal Verbs and Vocabulary expressions

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Grammar lessons Index https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/grammar-lessons-index/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/grammar-lessons-index/#comments Tue, 14 Nov 2017 06:35:36 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=2136 Grammar Index of Free Grammar lessons

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Go to FREE English grammar and language exercises here



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Is grammar important? Yes, but …… it is not everything https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/is-grammar-important-yes-but-it-is-not-everything/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/is-grammar-important-yes-but-it-is-not-everything/#comments Fri, 10 Nov 2017 04:18:03 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=243 It is not impossible to communicate in English without studying English grammar.

Millions of native English speakers are testament to this fact. If you are not a native English speaker and do not have regular contact with good English speakers it is difficult to get a good model for communication using English. In this case it is extremely important to get as much contact as possible with the English language through internet, TV, radio, podcasts, books, newspapers, magazines etc.

In addition to this daily contact with “real English” if we want to speak English well , understand English well, write English well it is necessary to find out how to understand English grammar. How we use English verb forms (tenses) is essential to developing good communication in English. Effective use of the English language is the key to good communication.

We are preparing a series of master classes about how we use English grammar correctly. I am not going to talk about how we construct the verb form but I want to give the basic concepts of how these grammatical forms are used by native English speakers.

Sometimes people try and complicate English grammar. English grammar has evolved over many hundreds of years to become a simplified version of what went before. The basic rules of verb forms (tenses) are very simple, they are perhaps different from your own language but they are not difficult.

After learning and using correctly the basic verb forms then English becomes more complicated because it is difficult to find rules to follow. It is at this stage that it is essential to have regular, daily, contact with the language.

Go to Grammar section: here

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Collaborate with us – send us articles https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/collaborate-with-us-send-us-articles/ Thu, 09 Nov 2017 21:18:05 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=58 Collaborators, contributors, critics


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If + will or If +present https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/if-will-or-if-present/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/if-will-or-if-present/#comments Wed, 11 Oct 2017 22:52:26 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=4387 Is “If + will…” possible?

An answer to a reader’s question

I want to thank Dhritishankar Sen very much for sending us this question:

  “A – If you will not buy me an ice cream I will not go to school.

B –  If you do not buy me an ice cream I will not go to school.

Which sentence is correct and why? please help”

Our answer:

“B” is, in most situations, the correct sentence. We use a present tense after words such as if, when, before, after and most other conjunctions when the phrase has a future meaning:

  • After you read this, let me know what you think.
  • When you arrive, can you phone me, please?
  • If you like my answer, will you tell your friends?

We can also use the Present continuous or Present perfect

  • After you have finished the document, come to my office.
  • When you are parking your car, can you send me a message, please?

The structure of the sentence you have used in B is also commonly known as the First conditional

If + will is possible in certain situations:

  • If you will come with me, I’ll introduce you to my boss (used to make a polite request)
  • I’ll give you some money if it will help you to visit your mother in hospital (this is not a condition, it means the help is a result)    Compare with:
  • I’ll give you some money if you visit your mother in hospital. (this means: on the condition that you visit her)

Ask your grammar questions

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Auxiliary and Modal verbs part 2 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/auxiliary-and-modal-verbs-part-2/ Sat, 07 Oct 2017 20:14:46 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=3925 Using Auxiliary and Modal verbs

may, could, must, can’t

Meaning of Modal Auxiliary verbs

They are added before the infinitive of other verbs to give meanings connected to:

  • certainty – to say if something is possible, probable, certain or not
    • He may catch the 5 o’clock train.
    • She could be in Berlin or Hamburg, I’m not sure.
  • obligation or prohibition to do things
    • Participants must register at reception before entering the conference.
    • You can’t go in that room, it’s only for teachers.
  • permission or freedom to do things
    • You can stay as long as you want.
    • You may do what you want until the teacher arrives.
Anglès a Valls 2018/19 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/angles-a-valls-201516/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/angles-a-valls-201516/#comments Mon, 04 Sep 2017 09:01:26 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=3606 Classes d’anglès a Valls – professor nadiu

Ian Coldwell – més de 30 anys d’experiència a Valls

Aprèn l’idioma anglès a Valls i zona

Per a classes d’anglès en Valls, la zona de Valls i Alt Camp 

Per a classes d’anglès en la zona de Valls

Per aprendre parlar bé l’anglès

Per poder comunicarse bé en anglès

Per estudiar anglès a Valls i zona

Per a grups reduïts d’anglès a Valls

Prepara’t per l’anglès de batxillerat aquest estiu 2017-8 a Valls

Per a classes d’anglès,

és molt més que un altre activitat per nens a Valls.

És un repte per assolir un nivell de comunicació en anglès

Per a classes de conversació en l’idioma anglès

Per a classes d’anglès amb professors nadius

Per a classes d’anglès per a l’empreses  de Valls i Tarragona – Business English Language coaching

Per a estudiar i examinar per els exàmens oficials de Cambridge – 100% aprovats cursos 2016/18

  • – PET, First (FCE), Advanced (CAE), Proficiency
  • – TOFL – accès als universitats d’EEUUs

Per a classes d’anglès per a primària, ESO i Batxillerat

Més informació i contacteu amb Languagewell   aquí

També servei de traduccions a Valls i a Tarragona. Català-anglès, anglès-català Aquí

Anglès per a nens, joves, adults a Valls. Professor nadiu

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Academia de inglés en Valls – más de 30 años https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/academia-de-ingles-en-valls/ https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/2017/academia-de-ingles-en-valls/#comments Wed, 16 Aug 2017 12:00:26 +0000 https://learnenglishlanguagewell.com/?p=704

Academia de inglés en Valls


Academia de inglés en Valls con sus profesores nativos ahora celebra sus 30 años dando clases a Valls.

Ian Coldwell

Prepara’t per l’anglès de batxillerat aquest estiu a Valls

El profesor de inglés Sr. Ian Coldwell es nativo y lleva más de 30 años dando clases a todos los niveles.

Preparamos nuestros estudiantes para la comuncación en inglés. Inglés es una lengua que cada dia más la necesitamos:

  • por  el trabajo
  • para viajar
  • por internet
  • por ocio i tiempo libre


Para más información sobre l’escuela Academia de anglès Languagewell a Valls

Els grupos son pequeños y siempre ponemos importancia en el parte oral i hablado

Academia de inglés Languagewell en Valls


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