Free Exercises for English Language and grammar
- Present Simple basic level
- Basic level Practise test 1
- Present Continuous basic level
- Present Continuous or Present Simple
- Passive or active (1)
- Non-continuous verbs – basic
- Present tense for the Future – simple and continuous
- Past Simple or Past Continuous
- Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous or Past Continuous?
- Active or passive exercises (1)
- Some or Any – easy questions
- exciting or excited, -ed or -ing adjectives
- Used to + infinitive or would?
- Basic English level Test
- Intermediate English level test
- Intermediate Level test 7
- Intermediate grammar test 8
- Advanced English level test
- Prepositions of Time
- Through, Across and Along
- Yet, Still, Already and No More
- Adjectives, Verbs and Prepositions (1)
- Adjective, Verbs and Prepositions (2)
- Adjective, Verb and Preposition (3)
- Be and Particle exercise (1)
- Be and particle exercise (2)
- Phrasal Verbs exercise (1)
- B1 English practice exercises
- Pronouns and possessive adjectives etc
- 1 Rewriting exercise B1/B2
- 2 rewriting exercise B1/B2
- 1-Modals with can, could and be able to B1 B2
- 2- more exercises with MODALS
- 3-MODAL exercises at B1/B2
- 4 – rewriting exercise B1 B2 Bachillerato
- 5 – Rewriting practice B1 B2 PET
- 4 MODAL exercises for advice and suggestions
- Passive voice rewriting exercise 1
- Passive voice rewriting exercise 2
- Multiple choice elementary level 1-1
- Multiple choice test level 2-1
- All conditionals exercise
Phrasal Verbs and Vocabulary expressions
Pingback: test exercise: CALL and LET phrasal verbs|idioms|English | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Exercise Phrasal verb:PULL 1 | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Exercise/test meaning of Phrasal verb PULL| pull down, ahead | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Expressions PULL test| pull finger out, pull the plug, strings | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Exercise expressions with PULL | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: to BOOK, book in, bookcase English vocabulary, English language | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Earth, down to earth, come down to earth, earthling | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: meaning of fall off, fall into, fall on hard times, fallout | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: fall-out, fall through, fall out, English vocabulary meaning | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: half time, halfway, meet trouble half way, expresions: HALF | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Meaning of expressions with JOB | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: KILL, dress to kill, 2 birds with 1 stone, kill time |lesson | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: man in the street, man of one's word, man and boy, as 1 man | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Question mark, no question of, out of the question | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: meaning of VERY|very own, very well, very good|English vocab | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: B1/B2 grammar exercise rewriting| Bachillerato|pre-university | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Rewrite English phrases B1/B2| batxillerat| PET FCE use of | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Rewrite sentences for PET/FCE B1 B2 bachillerato | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: choose can, could or be able to MODALs B1/B2 Bachillerato | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: MODALS in English grammar|B1 PET, B2 First Certificate | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: English grammar rewriting exercise B1/B2 | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Rewriting practice B1 B2| PET First Certificate| batxillerat | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Practise MODAL English verbs for advice and suggestions | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Rewrite exercise| MODAL verbs B1/B2 Bachillerato PET/ FCE | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: ELEMENTARY English multiple choice test| level 1| ESO 2 | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Matching exercise at low PET level | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: Use of possessive adjectives at level 1 Elementary | ESO 1 | LanguageWell - Communicating in English
Pingback: ESO 3 English multiple choice exercise| PET lower intermediate | LanguageWell - Communicating in English